Monday, December 30, 2019

Management Accounting And Practices Of Small And Medium...

2.1 Introduction This chapter begins by looking at the literature that will give considerable information about Management Accounting and the practices of Small and medium Enterprises, bringing out the interdependence and interrelation of one to the other. 2.2 Overview of Management Accounting Management accounting was first known as cost accounting. This origin was reflected in the earlier title for practitioners of cost or works accountants (Wilson and Chua, 1988). Accounting historians have long endorsed the view that cost accounting is a product of the industrial revolution (Johnson, 1981). For example (Wilson and Chua, 1993) claimed that cost accounting was practiced by the mechanized, multi process, cotton textile factories that appeared in England and United States around 1800. This point of view was consistent with Garner (1947) who pointed out that cost accounting had emerged only after eighteenth century as a result of the rise of the factory system in the industrial revolution. The traditional view contends that cost accounting arose due to the increased use of fixed capital prompted accountants during the industrial revolution to graft cost accounting onto the double-entry system (Johnson, 1981). Garner (1947) argued that the practices and theories of cost acco unting origins can be traced to the fourteenth century. (Garner, 1947) explained that the English, Flemish and German commerce have encountered significant growth during this period. and variousShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Cash Management1482 Words   |  6 PagesHe utilized hypothesis with Working Capital Management, Investment decisions and financing decisions as independent variables were used to measure financial performance in place of the dependent variable. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

An Exploratory Middle Ground Position Between Atheism And...

David Eagleman, during an interview with National Public Radio in February of 2009, coined the term â€Å"Possibilianism†. An exploratory middle ground position between atheism and theism. In this essay I argue that possibilianism as a new standpoint in the debate on the existence of God is irrelevant, as it holds the same ideological stance as agnosticism. In an article written by Eagleman titled â€Å"Beyond God and atheism: Why I am a possibilian† he says that â€Å"we know too little to commit to strict atheism, and too much to commit to any religion† (Eagleman, 2), this is the driving force behind his possibilianists standpoint. From my understanding, possibilianism is a philosophy that rejects the certainties held by both atheists who would argue in the complete non-existence of God and similarly theists who would vouch for His definite existence. In this situation we take God to refer to the monotheistic and orthodox depiction, as seen in the Christian, Judaism and Islamic faiths. Possibilianists are open to the ideas that we currently have no way of testing the existence of God, however we should hold off a definite judgement until further evidence can be provided through scientific research and exploration. Possibilianists emphasize the active exploration of new, unconsidered notions whereby anything goes at first (Eagleman, 3), but science is then added into the equation to rule out the impossible, and often to provide insights into new parts and possibilities. The overall

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Once More Free Essays

Read over something you’ve written with an eye for the devices you’ve used to connect the parts. Underline all the transitions, pointing terms, key terms, and repetition. Do you see any patterns? Do you rely on certain devices more than others? Are there any passages that are hard to follow-and if so, can you make them easier to ready by adding appropriate transitions or trying any of the other devices discussed In this chapter. We will write a custom essay sample on Once More or any similar topic only for you Order Now Try revising your text to Include different ones. Pointing words help orient your reader and establish continuity wealth your writing. KEY POINTS use pointing words to help orient your readers. Plotting words point forward or backward to other sentences. Plotting words help to give your paragraphs continuity. Key terms a key term is a word that will be important on whatever subject you need to know, that involves a key term. You’ll usually have to define a key term like in social studies a key term would be: Ideology so you would define it as: a set of beliefs and values. Key terms are Vocabulary that someone should know in order to understand the topic. Petition The writer is usually trying to express an emotion or a phrase. Just like in Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† he repeats the last line â€Å"and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep† to stress the extent of his journey and his exhaustion. In â€Å"the charge of the light brigade† repetition was most likely used to honor the men who died. By repeatedly stressing the numbe r of men who fought and died for what they believe in they stress that they will not be easily forgotten. How to cite Once More, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Research Paper On The Construction Work - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the A Research Paper On The Construction Work. Answer: INTRODUCTION This research paper evaluates the construction of a two-storey building by outlining the process of approval and the required certificates from applications for construction approval to the construction's occupation. The numerous categories of construction approvals which are being applied in the state in question such as local, integrated, complying, and exempt are also to be discussed by nominating clearly the category in which the development would be under. The dissimilarity between the options of privately certified versus local government approvals of the state in question. The various defects shown in the photos are also to be identified as well as the impacts they have on the operation of the buildings. There is also a need to produce a schedule for construction in the format of critical path analysis and a Gantt chart. The initial planning will include the start and end dates, duration of every task, list of tasks. The standards that have been considered for the approval process and certification is Australia(James, 2014). Approval Process and Certificates Required The process of construction in Australia requires a developer to put into considerations the numerous requirements that require being fulfilled before the process of building can be undertaken. Every developer needs to diligently carry out issues that are likely to be confronted in the construction process. The different types of building approvals which are applied in Australia include: Exempt Approval: In this type of approval, there is low impact on the local government and may not require approval from Council if it attains certain standards under state environmental planning policy and state environment planning policy(Mant, 2015). Complying Approval: This is a fast-track process of approval for proposals of developments that are straightforward like new home or renovations of homes. The standards can be determined by a private or Council certifier without the need for a complete application development. Local Approval: In this type of approval, all the development requiring the Councils consent are specified under the Port Stephen Local Environment Plan of 2013. This means that in any construction, the local approval requires consent before the work is undertaken and should be lodged with the Council(Teshom, 2012). Integrated Approval: This type of approval is an approval that involves constructions situated on land identified as prone to bushfire or constructions within the roads belonging to the public. There is a requirement of an administration fee for both the maritime and roads services. In case of this development, the type of approval that this construction would fall under is local approval which can be categorized into two major sections. The certification and inspection of the project is an important phase which is required by the law that will ensure that the building is in accordance with the council regulation, Building Code of Australia, relevant Australian Standards, specifications, and approved plans, to make sure that the structural amenity, safety, health, and integrity is met (Teshom, 2012). Regulations, Local Government Approvals The initial step that is necessary for the developer to give them with registration certificates from the professionals who are registered that are charged with the supervision of building project construction. The certificates of registration include certificates from the structural and architect-engineer who are normally charged with ensuring stability and enforcing quality control of the structure during its construction. The professionals also fill a declaration of indemnity which indemnifies the authorities on any claims in the event of mishap or construction fault hence taking complete responsibility of ensuring that the construction is according to the relevant design standards and building codes(Teshom, 2012). Other documentation that requires being furnished to the authorities for approval of building processing include: Full application for approval for building permit Recent annual rates receipts The property ownership documents The major regions that the authorities charge for entails infrastructure development, site signage fees, fees for the occupational certificate, and fees for site inspection(Vandoros, 2014). Private Certified Approval For Private Certified Approval, there first step is to send the copy of details of the contact and the plans of Council plans together with supporting consent conditions to Private Certifiers Australia. The information can be sent through email of through phone call. The Private Certifiers Australia will then review the approved plans of the Council, supporting information, and consent conditions. The Private Certifiers Australia will then prepare an agreement of Consultancy to perform the roles on Principal Certifying Authority Role and the issue of a construction Certificate. The services engagement shall be through acknowledgement of the consultancy agreement and work scope as outlined. The engagement and acknowledgement are is situated on the final page of the consultancy fee submission. The Private Certifiers Australia will then issue a Construction Certificate form. Ounce Private Certifiers Australia has been reviewed, received, and verified the information submitted as conforming to the consents conditions, the Building Code of Australia and any other necessities as stipulated by the Private Certifiers Australia. The certificate of construction will then be issued to the applicant in strict accordance with the Environmental Assessment and Planning Act 1979. After the Construction Certificate has been issued to the applicant, the applicants will be required to inform the applicable the Environment Assessment and Planning Act 1979. Council of the Commencement of Building Works onsite. The certificate issued can be subjected to an alternate regulatory building approval framework under the Environmental Assessments and Planning Act 1979. Defects in the Proposed Development and how they can be impacted upon The foundation defect below is known as brick footing backfill damage. The defect is as a result of earth pressure, frost, and water. In the masonry block construction, wall or foundation cracks happen more frequently in the joints of the motor, however, may also happen through and across the blocks themselves. The defect above can be prevented by not exceeding the pressure limits of the building which may cause the footing to crack. Floods passing below the footing level can also cause this defect since the running water will weaken the footing by washing away the components that strengthen the wall. This defect can be prevented by making the footing to be strong enough to withstand pressure and water from outside(Vandoros, 2014). The construction defect shown in the figure below is known as vertical cracking. The vertical cracking occurs due to shrinkage and expansion of concrete blocks. The cracks in the construction walls tend to be more serious on the walls of the centre from the external pressure and loading. The defect of the wall takes place during settlement of foundation. Weak foundation is normally caused by wrong ration of mixture of the concrete, water, and sand(Vandoros, 2014). The defect below is known as Diagonal Cracks and occurs in footing as well as the block wall. The diagonal crack can appear in numerous structural components and materials and it indicates the actual differential settlement or vertical movement in the structure. The defect is caused by a sinkhole near or under the footing and also occasionally frost heaves(Silva, 2013). List of Tasks for Project 1 Task Duration (Days) Start General Requirement 4 01/01/2018 Site Preparation 2 Concrete Construction 3 Brick and Block Construction 6 Installation 3 Roofing 4 Cladding 2 Doors and Windows 2 Block and Tile Finishes 3 Painting 4 Timber Fixtures 3 Electrical and Mechanical installation 3 Fences and External Walls 4 Landscaping 2 02/12/2017 Critical Path Analysis After laying out the list of tasks, the correct activities sequence and network diagram would look like the figure below before the calculation of the earliest start time and latest finish time for every activity(Vandoros, 2014). The next step is to determine the earliest start time for every activity in the list of tasks above. The remaining earliest start time may be added to the diagram of the network as shown below: The latest finish time portrays the latest time an activity must be finished by evading delay to the project(James, 2014). The latest finish time is determined by observing the right to left on the network diagram as shown below: Gantt chart The Gantt chart which will be utilized by the research team during the period research is as shown in the figure below: Conclusion This research paper is about construction work and plan building. The approval process and certificates required for the construction of the building in question have been discussed according to the regulations of Australia. The different types of building approvals namely local, integrated, complying, exempt, and NSW have been discussed in this paper. The two major areas of involvement in approvals while constructing the building below in Australia is through seeking approvals from the National Construction Code and from the municipal councils. A municipal council is an option of local government in Australia while National Construction Code is a privately certified approval. The various types of defects that can occur in the walls and foundation of a building include vertical failure, horizontal failure, and block foundation backfill damage. Bibliography James, K., 2014. Critical-Path Planning and Scheduling. Melbourne: Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer Conference. Mant, J., 2015. Observations on NSW Land Use Planning and Regulations. Sidney: IEEE. Silva, V., 2013. Defects of No-Loadbearing Masonry Walls Due to Partial Basal Supports. Moscow: Journal of Construction and Building Materials. Thom, T., 2012. Durability Problems of 20th Century Reinforced Concrete Heritage Structures and Their Restorations. Michigan: Technical University of Catalonia. Vandoros, K., 2014. Concrete jacket construction detail effectiveness when strengthening RC columns, Construction and Building Materials. Perth: Gale Art and Engineering Lite Package.